We asked the community to pull up last night for the official kick-off of "TOWN NIGHTS" in Oakland, and they did!!
Monday, November 22, The City of Oakland Department of Violence Prevention -- in partnership with Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS), Urban Peace Movement (UPM), Hoover-Foster RAC, Khadafy Washington Foundation, TRYBE, Inc., Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ), Root Community Health Center (ROOTS), Adamika Village, Basic Ministry and Homies Empowerment -- kicked off the 2021 Town Nights events at eight locations across the city of Oakland!
"As you know this past weekend, it was very hectic, a lot is going on." Lavonne Levine a BOSS Bay Area Case Manager spoke to KTVU during the Town Nights kick-off. Lavonne works at the BOSS Bay Area's West Oakland Neighborhood Impact Hub. He urged community members in West Oakland and their families to come out for this celebration. "We're just trying to calm the peace down a little - bring people together...play some basketball."

Town Nights events aim to change community norms around violence through community engagement, intervention and celebration.
Events like Town Nights are imperative to the communities we serve and are a critical piece of what we do at BOSS Neighborhood Impact Hubs. These hubs are strategically located in corridors of concentrated poverty, crime/gang activity, and incarceration.
In collaboration with SAVE and Adamika Village, BOSS has created Community Healing groups and interventions to increase physical and emotional well-being using a restorative justice framework for communities that have been traumatized by violence.
There will be three more Town Nights held at several locations on the first three Fridays in December. We hope you can join us!!

Check out last nights kick off here.
Learn more about BOSS Bay Area Neighborhood Impact Hubs and our commitment to interrupting cycles of violence.
If you're interested in volunteering, click here
November 23, 2021
