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Social Justice Collective

Fighting for system change is an integral part of the BOSS mission, along with providing direct service – to support more equitable and just communities, BOSS shares its data, outcomes, and learning with elected officials and community decision-makers, participates in community needs assessments and planning forums, brings impacted individuals to the table in these forums wherever possible, conducts public education on key policy and system changes issues, and builds the movement for social justice by providing leadership development training and opportunities to our constituents.

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Social Justice Collective (SJC) Fellowship 

The BOSS Social Justice Collective (SJC) encourages greater participation in civic and political processes by people with criminal records. 


The SJC works through the following strategies: 

  • Advocacy/Organizing 

  • Community Education 

  • Coalition-Building 

  • Leadership Development


Partners include: ACLU Northern California, All of Us or None, Black Women Organized for Political Action, Californians for Safety and Justice, Community and Youth Outreach, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Impact Justice, League of Women Voters Oakland, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform, Root & Rebound

Collaborative Policy Advocacy


BOSS fights for systemic change that will improve service and resource access, inclusivity, and justice for all community members -- we work in partnership with other organizations working for similar goals, including:


California Chapter Californians for Safety and Justice - advocating for the elimination of 48,000 barriers to reentry faced by formerly incarcerated community members)

California Black Power Network(CBPN) - organizing to train and engage Black community members in voter education/registration and system change

Re-Entry Providers Association of California(REPAC) - advocating for state policy and programs that help reentry providers achieve their mission

Just Cities - advocating for the passage of Housing Justice measures Bay Area wide

REPAC (Reentry Provider Association of California)

Since early 2020, BOSS has been working with Californians for Safety and Justice (CSJ) and the Los Angeles Area Reentry Partnership (LAARP) on the creation and launch of a Statewide Reentry Association, which will amplify the voice and influence of reentry advocates and impacted individuals in Sacramento where decisions are made about policy and resource distribution.


For more information contact Donald Frazier, Executive Director, at, 510-649-1930 x 1012.

Oakland Frontline Healers

BOSS is a founding member of and currently the fiscal agent for Oakland Frontline Healers (OFH), a coalition of grassroots Oakland service providers who came together at the start of the pandemic to provide relief and assistance in high risk communities in East and West Oakland. BOSS Neighborhood Impact Hubs host pop up testing and vaccination events, distributes PPE, provides access to rental and employment assistance, and helps to educate communities on COVID prevention. Learn more at:

Oakland Violence Prevention Coalition

We are a group of individuals and organizations impacted by violence. We have come together to radically transform the culture of violence in the city of Oakland through community-led, healing-centered practices and political advocacy. We prioritize community-led prevention and intervention solutions to reducing violent crimes. We are working to break the cycle of violence and heal our city. Learn more at:

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