We need your help! Please take the Greenlining Institute’s Digital Access Survey to help advocate for fair access to internet and equal opportunities for Oakland residents: in low-income Oakland neighborhoods, access to high speed internet was one of many measures identified by the Oakland Equity Indicators Report where low-income residents experience inequity. No one should have limited opportunities due to unfair access to the internet in the Year 2022.
The Town Link project led by Greenlining, with local partners including BOSS, is designed to address the digital divide in the City of Oakland. This survey will help assess the needs of Oakland residents around access to broadband, technological devices and digital skills.
Your answers to these questions will help local policymakers understand the problems Oaklanders face with internet access and ensure that solutions are designed with the right communities and concerns in mind. Your responses will remain confidential and will serve only to inform community efforts to close the digital divide. This survey should take about 5-15 minutes. Thank you!