BOSS Bay Area Encampment & Community Outreach's Food Run is a movement of passionate, committed people who gather once a month to conquer some of the food injustices in the Bay Area by distributing pre-cooked hot meals.

BOSS Bay Area Encampment & Community Outreach distributes pre-cooked hot meals, hygiene kits, supplies and resources to encampments & unhoused community members in the Bay Area.
The Food Run Team & Volunteers aid in BOSS’ mission to help the unhoused achieve health and self-sufficiency. The Food Run began with a challenge in June, when BOSS Bay Area partnered Community Kitchens Oakland to provide meals for unhoused communities in Alameda county.

We now distribute 500+ precooked/donated meals on a monthly basis from restaurants in Oakland and Berkeley through Community Kitchens Oakland and other partners, to assist unhoused Oakland campuses & unhoused community members.
We dedicate one Saturday a month to our community at the Downtown Oakland Neighborhood Impact Hub. Community members are encouraged to come out and receive a hot meal, resources about housing, employment, reentry and information about partnering organizations.

Our core volunteers are dedicated to providing our community, sustenance, mutual aid and more - serving all in need with the respect and dignity they deserve. As our volunteer list grows, the commitment to our monthly outreach strengthens.
On Saturday October 23rd we held the fourth Food Run. With huge and deep gratitude to
our donors - from Berkeley Chamber, East Oakland Burrito Roll, Alameda County Food Bank, Community Kitchens Oakland, Big Dish Restaurant, Chop Bar, Kingston 11 & Hopscotch.

November 20, 2021 will be our 5th Food Run. It is also National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week.
Do something BIG for HHAW and join us.