Donations change lives, express our values, and create community.
Supporting the causes you care about not only benefits the organizations you donate to, it can be deeply rewarding for you, as a donor. Your contributions help BOSS operate life-changing programs that provide love, respect, safety, and a sense of belonging to individuals, families and communities who are impacted by deep poverty and systemic inequities. It supports BOSS’s dual mission of assisting those in need right now while fighting to change the underlying systems of injustice and inequity.
Donations not only help fill urgent needs, they help create a sense of community and caring. For individuals on the streets or in emergency programs, to know that community members are supporting the programs that provide them with life-changing services helps heal feelings of isolation and hopelessness.
Make a one-time or monthly recurring donation to support BOSS' most urgent needs:
Rental assistance for those struggling with COVID 19-related income loss.
Basic assistance for people moving into new housing, such as linens, towels, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and food.
Raising funds to replace the very old and worn out trailer that houses our Children's Learning Center (CLC), so homeless children can address educational and emotional needs wrought by the trauma of homelessness.
Basic assistance for those returning home from prison, such as grocery gift cards, trac phones, transportation vouchers, tuition or job training fees.